[T-947] Forty seconds in half an hour

Dear Rine,

In a little over half an hour of intense immersion, I watched 40 seconds of a TV show. In that time, I captured six sentences to review tomorrow.

How’s that sound to you?

Sounds like a slog to me.

On the other hand, I am starting to appreciate the Refold doctrine of narrowing the scope of your immersion.

I notice that, in this TV show I’m watching, there is a set of particular domain-specific words and phrases that the character use over and over and over again.

These high-frequency words help with sentence mining. They are like scaffolding that makes it easier to acquire new vocabulary.

Anyway, here are my numbers for today:

Total time Today
Immersion time 10:18 0:34

I’m hoping to sneak 20 more minutes later in the evening. But the org-mode columnview tells no lies: whether I succeded or not, you will find out by looking at the total time tomorrow.

As you could have expected, I didn’t resist further tinkering with my setup. I tried to make that other table that reports the number of sentences mined on a given day, week, month.

It seems to be fairly straightforward. The id of each Anki card is a Unix time-stamp of its creation date. The ankipandas Python library makes it easy to access it.

It’s as trivial as this:

from tabulate import tabulate
import pandas as pd
from ankipandas import Collection

col = Collection() # This finds the Anki database in your system

col.cards # This returns a dataframe of all your cards

df = col.cards.tail(2)

Which exports this:

nid cord cmod cusn ctype cqueue cdue civl cfactor creps clapses cleft codue cdeck codeck
1621529088290 1621529088290 0 1.62153e+09 725 learning new 1003705 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jap Sentences 210515
1621529351814 1621529351813 0 1.62153e+09 725 learning new 1003706 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jap Sentences 210515

Sorry for the ugly export, I haven’t figured out how to output nice tables.

And so these cid and nid numbers are actual dates as unix time-stamps.

I just didn’t have the time to figure out how to subset rows matching today’s date.

Just another thing to figure out…

But I digress. I must not digress so often.

Maybe I ought to find myself a children’s guide to org-mode in Japanese?