[T-978] Late night sentence fishing

Dear Rine,

All I could muster today is half an hour of active immersion just before bed time.

I fished out six worthy sentences.

I think I like sentence fishing as a term better than mining. Mining brings up images of sweaty child laborers toiling away in cramped tunnels breathing soot, banging their pick axes looking for precious nuggets but finding only an indifferent wall of stone. Nothing but misery.

Whereas fishing is just chilling at a river bank, immersing your hook… Lazily waiting for the catch to come to you.

Call it whatever, but 11 PM is not the ideal time of day to do this. Long term it’s not sustainable and I need to find a better slot during the day.

There is, however, a lesson.

I made passive listening effortless. SRS is also a habit I locked in. But for active immersion, there’s still opportunities to lower the friction.

Launching Netflix, the dictionary app, the text file with all my kanji stories, then arranging all the windows… it’s just a pinch too tedious. I’ll look into how I can create something like a Japanese immersion workspace, so that all the apps and windows I need can be launched and arranged at once.

But I have to be careful, this is the type of thing I can sink half a day into. I’ll give it a shot tomorrow, but if I don’t figure it out after 30-45 minutes, I’ll give up.

Things I did today
